The LED flash can’t be used to offer enhanced light for photography, but using its UV light, the ReveaLED UV LED flash is able to reveal the amazing glowing colors and fluorescent materials and help you capture awesome photos. Sounds cool? Let’s keep going.
The ReveaLED is the world’s first synchronized UV LED flash light. As we can see from the images, the special LED flash looks as small as iblazr 2 LED flash, so you can easily slide the ReveaLED into your front pocket and take it anywhere you go.
Unlike a portable LED flash offering improved light in low light conditions, the ReveaLED comes equipped with 4 UV LED lights. Unlike those blue color LED lights, the UV LED lights are true black that allows to reveal only the glowing items rather than lighting up all the area with blue light, so you can use it to discover those amazing glowing visual effects on some items that can’t be seen without UV lights.
Using integrated 3.5mm audio jack, the UV LED flash can be easily attached to your smartphone in order that you can capture those glowing and fluorescent items, and its custom camera app syncs your shooting and UV LED flash, so you don’t need to keep the ReveaLED on all the time. Its rechargeable battery offers up to 2 hours of continuous usage.
The crowdfunding campaign for ReveaLED is in progress via Kickstarter. You can pledge $25 to preorder the portable UV LED flash. It will shipped in April this year if reaching its crowdfunding goal.