Retro Star Wars Travel Poster Set

No doubt, all they are the most iconic places in the universe of Star Wars. Want to present them in your room? The retro Star Wars travel poster set may be a nice idea.

Retro Star Wars Travel Poster Set

This is a set of exquisite and well-designed art prints inspired by Star Wars, and designed by Ali Xenos, a Briton based female artist. The poster set contains 12 different designs, each one shows off an iconic place from Star Wars, including Tatooine, Coruscant, Dagobah, Geonosis, Endor, Hoth, and more. Moreover, each place is present in the form of detailed silhouette along with charming color scheme plus matching text in order to draw you to these fictional places for a trip. Apart from that, each poster is printed on high quality 265gsm Pro Photo Satin/Oyster Paper.

Retro Star Wars Travel Poster Set Retro Star Wars Travel Poster Set

The retro Star Wars travel poster set comes in multiple sizes, and starting from $69.26 USD. If you like them, jump to Etsy for full description.

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