Reencle kitchen-to-garden fertilizer composter helps you turn scraps into nutrient-rich fertilizer, and its touchless design keeps your hands clean when you put food straps inside. Let’s have a look if you like the idea.
The Reencle measures 12 x 13 x 18.4 inches and weighs 20.1 lbs. With the compact form factor, the fertilizer composter fits in any kitchens with limited space. Meanwhile, with the minimal modern look, it’s compliant to any interior style.
The fertilizer composter comes equipped with 1.5 lbs of food waste capacity, and using organic ReencleMicrobe, it can break down food waste and turn more than 50% of the scraps into fertilizer.
Furthermore, it also features a built-in motion sensor to detect movements of your foot or hands so as to automatically open the lid. And the waste recycling machine operates quietly under the level of 28dB, so you will never worry about it disturbing you even at night.
The crowdfunding campaign for Reencle is ongoing on Indiegogo. We can pledge $429 to preorder the fertilizer composter. It will be shipped in May 2022.