4 USB ports plus a piece of solar panel, that’s our first impression to the multifunctional portable solar charger. If you need it for a nice vacation, let’s go on checking.
The cube shaped solar charger measures 64 x 64 x 16mm. As we have seen, a circular solar panel is placed at the top of the portable charger. It can directly charge the built-in rechargeable battery via the solar panel or AC outlet. And, through the attached 10 connectors, the solar charger can offer temporary power for various portable devices such as cell phone, PDA, MP3 player, and etc. It’s a little pity that we’re not sure the capacity of the lithium battery. Apart from that, the portable charger comes with 4 USB ports, which can be used as a common USB hub.
The USB hub portable solar charger is priced at $12.36 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Chinavasion for more details. Additionally, here is another multi purpose solar charger.
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