Particle iPad Case with Pogo Sketch Stylus

Apple didn’t collaborate with Ten One Design to release the Apple iPad with a Pogo Sketch stylus pen. But the Particle iPad case can make you kill two birds with one stone.

Particle iPad Case with Pogo Sketch Stylus

The Particle iPad case is designed by Ten One Design, a perpheral manufacturer, is famous for its Pogo sketch stylus. So we can possibly say the iPad case integrated Pogo stylus pen is an inevitable gadget for iPad. So you can handle some accurate operations with the stylus such as sketching, writing, and etc. Apart from that, Particle iPad case is made of shock-absorbing material, features an open-back design and four rubber feet.

The iPad case integrated Pogo sketch stylus is priced at $34.95 USD. If you like the iPad case, jump to Ten One Design for more details.

Particle iPad Case with Pogo Sketch Stylus

Particle iPad Case with Pogo Sketch Stylus Source

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