Pacman Bandages

We know what Pacman is good at doing such as eating dots, fruits, and blue ghosts. If fact, he is also good at healing our scrapes. Let’s go on checking the Pacman bandages.

Pacman Bandages

This is a box of interesting bandages themed by the classical arcade game Pacman. In the iron box there are 15 sterile bandages, and each strip features a Pacman themed pattern. There are three available patterns in total. But to tell the truth, what we want most is the handy black collectible tin that comes with a whole game scene of Pacman instead of the dozen of disposable bandages.

Pacman Bandages

The box of Pacman bandages is priced at $9 USD. If you’re interested, jump to fred flare for more details. Additionally, if you need other Pacman themed gadgets, you might like to check the Pacman mini stapler, Pacman cookie cutter, and more via “Pacman” tag.

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