Octopus Surprise Coffee Mug

Same as that great white shark, the white octopus also like coffee, so don’t be scared by the octopus when you drink coffee with the octopus surprise coffee mug.

Octopus Surprise Coffee Mug

This is an interesting coffee mug that measures 3.25 inches tall. The coffee mug is made of ceramic, and comes with pure white color tone. As we can see from the images, the ceramic mug features a realistic octopus at the bottom of the mug, which looks like drinking your favorite coffee. When the mug is full of your coffee, the octopus is hidden under the liquid. When a half of the coffee is in your stomach, the bald head of the octopus will reveal. Apparently the octopus has prepared to give your or your friend a big surprise.

Octopus Surprise Coffee Mug

The octopus surprise coffee mug is priced at $9.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to ThinkGeek for more details. Additionally, if you need other options, you might like to check the Beatles coffee mug and more via “mug” tag.

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