New TOMY Kebitosan toy with so long nose hairs

TOMY Kebitosan toy

Recently, TOMY released its latest toy series “Kebitosan”, which consists of various cute figures with touch sensors.

These cute figures are shaped a bit like the cute squats. But more especially, these cute figures are all equipped three touch sensors shaped as a pointed nose hair and hair. Once touched the cute figures will make cheerful or painful noises.

Kebitosan totally includes six figures, each is priced at about $10 USD. At present, four of them have already been available at Amazon Japan. You also can experience the toy at TOMY.

TOMY Kebitosan toy
TOMY Kebitosan toy

New TOMY Kebitosan toy with so long nose hairs Source

Update: Now you can search TOMY Kebitosan through Google Shopping.

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