Want to enjoy your favorite HD videos from the Internet on your HDTV? Then you can use the following Mini X Android TV Box converts your HDTV into a smart TV.
The Mini X is an ultra portable TV adapter that measure 72 x 61 x 13mm and weights 51g. As we can see from the images, the TV box features compact design, and runs on Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich mobile operating system, moreover, the TV adapter comes with A10 processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB Nand flash, WiFi, and TF card slot, while using integrated HDMI and AV port, you can easily connect the Android powered TV adapter with your TV, and the built-in WiFi connection allows to stream content from the Internet on your TV. Apart from that, the USB OTG interface allows you to connect more devices with the TV box such as keyboard, mouse and more.
The Mini X Android TV box is priced at $89 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Brando online store for more details.
Additionally, if you need other options, you might like to check Equiso Smart TV adapter and the Pocket TV.
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