Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader

It’s not only a mini flashlight to illuminate in the dark. If you also want to transmit data between computers, the torch will also help you. If you’re curious, let’s go on checking the mini flashlight keychain with USB card reader.

Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader

This is a multi functional mini flashlight that measures 52 x 20 x 20mm and weights 15g. As we can see from the images, the flashlight features compact design, and comes with a super bright 45 lumens LED light for illumination, while the built-in rechargeable battery can be recharged via USB port. Moreover, the mini flashlight also features a built-in microSD card reader that supports micro SD, micro SD(HC) and T-Flash. Just putting a memory card into the flashlight, it will doubles as USB flash drive to transmit data between computers. Apart from that, the integrated keychain allows you to attach your keys together.

Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader
Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader Mini Flashlight Keychain with USB Card Reader

The mini flashlight Keychain with USB card reader is available in two colors including black and blue, each one is priced at $10 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Brando official site for more details.

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