Mini Computer Keyboard Button Keychain with LED Light

We introduced key-shape fridge magnets several days ago. It’s obviously not enough for faithful computer geeks, so let’s go on checking the mini computer keyboard button keychain with LED light.

Mini Computer Keyboard Button Keychain with LED Light

The interesting keychain measures 24 x 24 x 24 mm, and weights 10g, as we can see from the images, each keychain is shaped as a key of computer keyboard, including Delete, Insert, Back Space, Page Up, and Num Lock. Apparently, all of them are importance on a computer keyboard. Besides, mini LED light has been integrated into the keychain. Through the integrated switch, you can easily turn on/ off the LED light. The replaceable strap also allows you to attach the mini keyboard button to your keys or cell phone.

Mini Computer Keyboard Button Keychain with LED Light

According to the different functions of the keys, the mini keyboard button is available in five types. Each one is priced at $8 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Gadget4All for more details.

Mini Computer Keyboard Button Keychain with LED Light Mini Computer Keyboard Button Keychain with LED Light

By the way, if you need more fun keychains, you might like to check the R2-D2 keychain, the robot keychain, and more via “keychain” tag.

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  1. Morgan Faith 12/06/2015
    • DanielX 12/06/2015

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