Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives

Following Adventure Time series, Mimoco released its latest Star Wars series 8 mimobot designer USB flash drives. If you want to know what characters from Star Wars have been involved, let’s go on checking.

Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives

The latest Star Wars mimobot series 8 is based on Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and contains five iconic characters from the universe of Star Wars, including Slave Leia, Jedi Luke Skywalker, Jabba the Hutt, Admiral Akbar, and Biker Scout. As we can see from the images, each the Star Wars character mimobot USB flash drive features vivid face and vibrant colors, and comes with those iconic details from the original character in Return of the Jedi. Moreover, the Star Wars mimobot USB drive also comes with pre-loaded exclusive Star Wars content including wallpapers, screensavers, soundbytes and etc.

Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives
Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives Mimoco Star Wars Series 8 Mimobot USB Flash Drives

Mimoco Star Wars series 8 mimobot is available in 4 storage capacities including 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, the prices range from $19.99 to $69.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Mimoco official site for more details.

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