Mimoco GiddyUp mimobot flash drive by Hila Rosenberg Arazi

Recently, Mimoco released its latest mimobot flash drive: GiddyUp, which is designed by Hila Rosenberg Arazi, the winner of the first Infectious X MIMOBOT Design Challenge.

Mimoco GiddyUp mimobot flash drive by Hila Rosenberg Arazi

The GiddyUp by Hila Rosenberg Arazi mimobot (USB flash drive) measures 2.5″ tall by 1″ wide, and respectively comes with 2GB, 4GB, 8GB or 16GB memory capacities, and compatible USB 2.0.

The mimobot has been available at Mimoco. The GiddyUp mimobot with 2GB storage capacity costs $24.95 USD. If you are the mimobot collector, or need an exquisite gift for your girlfriend, GiddyUp mimobot might be a good choice.

Mimoco GiddyUp mimobot flash drive by Hila Rosenberg Arazi
Mimoco GiddyUp mimobot flash drive by Hila Rosenberg Arazi

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