We have introduced lots of interesting USB flash drives, while the latest finding is the metallic skeleton key USB flash drive. If you like the exquisite key, let’s go on checking.
This is skeleton key shaped USB flash drive that measures 94 x 32 x 6mm and weights 27g. As we can see from the images, the USB drive is shaped as a vintage key, and unlike another skeleton key USB drive, the USB flash drive features a metallic key shaped casing in order to meet the vintage style, and comes with subtle details and golden coating. Of course, the built-in flash memory allows you to store all kinds of digital contents like documents, music files, videos and more. Apart from that, the USB flash drive is also compatible with various operating systems.
The metallic skeleton key USB flash drive is available in three storage capacities, including 2GB, 4GB and 8GB, each one is priced at $16, $18 and $25 USB respectively. If you’re interested, jump to Brando for more details.
Additionally, if you need more options, you might like to check the Master Sword USB drive, Swiss Army Slim USB drive and more via “USB flash drive” tag.
How can we purchase these vintage skeleton keys?
The key drive is still available at Brando online store.
we are very interested in getting large bulk of the skeleton key, but we also need to put some branding on it.
Please contact us ASAP