Using its integrated camera and integrated earbuds, the Mersiv wearable language learning tool delivers a real-time and interactive way to learn language. Like the concept? Let’s keep checking.
Designer and appearance design
Joe Miller, an industrial designer from UK designed the innovative and practical wearable language learning device or translator named Mersiv. As we can see from the images, Mersiv looks like a wearable camera, and it shows off eye-catching modern aesthetic style along with elegant combination of various materials.
Using well-designed leather strip, the Mersiv can be easily hanged on your neck, and integrated minimal earbuds are designed to receive audio from the language learning tool.
Function features
The Mersiv comes equipped with a 140-degree lens, and using the pendant-like design, the wearable camera is able to accurately and unobtrusively capture images from the wearer’s point of view. Using these images, the Mersiv automatically generates personalized micro language lessons, then those images can be removed automatically.
Furthermore, the micro lessons can be transmitted to the wearer through its earbuds, so you won’t worry about the audio disturbing others. The language learning device also features built-in microphone that allows you to interact with the device through speech. It also identifies words and sounds to help tailor the personalized micro-lessons.
Using built-in Bluetooth technology, Mersiv wirelessly communicates with your smartphone. Its custom companion app shows you all your lessons and learning status and allows you to choose the target language which you want to learn.
It’s a little pity that the wearable language learning tool is a design concept at present. After the break, check out the images and video about the language learning tool. Just need a wearable camera? You may also like to have a look at the the app-enabled wearable video camera and more cool stuff by above category.