Many geeks have shown off their own homemade arcade cabinets. You also want to make one by yourself? Then let’s go on checking the Nanocade mini arcade cabinet.
The shiny mini arcade cabinet named Nanocade came from Project Mame, an amazing website dedicated to teach everyone how to make an incredible Mame cabinet. The mini arcade cabinet is constructed of 29 pieces of acrylic. And it features a 10.4-inch LCD screen which can be found on a netbook, an Ultimarc UltraStik 360 joystick, Mini-ITX board, 1GB RAM, 30GB SSD, 9 pushbuttons, and other some accessories.
The designer and maker Rasmus has posted step-by-step instructions on Project Mame. If you’re also interested in making your own mini arcade cabinet, jump to Project Mame for more details.
Make Your Own Nanocade Mini Arcade Cabinet Source