Make Your Own Ant-Man Suit With Everyday Items

Ant-Man, the latest Marvel superhero film has released. Have you had some inspiration to make your own Ant-Man suit for some awesome parties? Well, the following video will tell you how to make it with a few everyday items.

Make Your Own Ant-Man Costume With Everyday Items

CineFix, a huge YouTube channel released the how-to video where Ben and Bianca, two presenters show you how to use those things you can get in your house to recreate Ant-Man suit step by step. By cutting, sticking and painting, they will put all the parts from everyday items together, and delivering you a detailed superhero’s costume. After the break, check out the following video. BTW, also don’t miss the 3D printed Metroid Varia Suit costume and more cool stuff by following tags.

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