Make 3D Holographic Projection Pyramid by Yourself

Microsoft’s HoloLens holographic goggles is still under development. Can’t wait? You may like to make a 3D holographic projection pyramid by yourself.

Make 3D Holographic Projection Pyramid by Yourself

mikroGanesh, an Indian senior craftsman created the pretty cool 3D projection pyramid that works with your smartphone. Without needing an expensive holographic goggles, the simple invention can project 3D holographic images and videos above the screen of your smartphone. The materials all you need for the projector are a piece of clear plastic sheet, a pair of scissors, marker pen and clear cello-tape, and the inventor has unveiled the detailed steps for the creation. Want to apply it on your phone? Jump to instructables, turning it reality according to 3 steps.

Make 3D Holographic Projection Pyramid by Yourself

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