It seems everything can get smart. Now it’s turn of your bed. If you want to more comfortably enter into sleep, you may like to use Luna bedspread to turn your bed into a smartbed.
The Luna is an innovative and functional smart device that focuses on your sleep. The bedspread comes in four sizes in order to fit different beds. Just placing Luna onto any mattress, you can easily add smart features to your exist bed. Using built-in sensors, your smart bed can track your sleep phases, heart rate, and breathing rate, and based on your sleep patterns, Luna’s sensing technology identifies the correct moment in your sleep cycle and wake you up at the right moment of light sleep. Furthermore, the bedspread also features dual zone technology that allows you to set different temperatures for each side of your bed, and all sleep data and settings can be handled via your smartphone.
The team of Luna is seeking crowdfunding via Indiegogo. You can pledge $199 to own the smart bedspread. If you’re interested, jump to Indiegogo official site for detailed description.