Lock & Lock Automatic UV-C Toothbrush Sanitizer Compatible with All Brush Heads

Using built-in rechargeable battery Lock & Lock automatic UV-C toothbrush sanitizer keeps your toothbrushes germ free whether you’re at home or during a trip. Like the idea? Let’s keep checking.Lock & Lock Automatic UV-C Toothbrush Sanitizer Compatible with All Brush Heads

This is a well-designed and practical UV-C toothbrush sanitizer that is available in two sizes, one for single use, and another for two toothbrushes.

Both toothbrush sanitizers deliver a compact form factor, and the rounded contours and matte finished exterior not only deliver a minimal and elegant appearance design, but also make it comfortable to touch.Lock & Lock Automatic UV-C Toothbrush Sanitizer Compatible with All Brush Heads

The toothbrush sanitizer comes equipped with UV-C LED lights inside to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses within 3 minutes. And it works with most standard and electric toothbrush heads.

The toothbrush sanitizer is powered by built-in rechargeable battery, so it keeps your toothbrush clean at home or on the go. The wall mountable design allows you to attach it on the vanity mirror.Lock & Lock Automatic UV-C Toothbrush Sanitizer Compatible with All Brush Heads

The automatic UV-C toothbrush sanitizer is priced at $39.99 USD. ($28.10 for single model). If you’re interested, jump to the product page (single model) for its more details.

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