Lexus Unveiled the Technologies Behind SLIDE Hoverboard

Lexus announced their rideable hoverboard two months ago. Now they has unveiled the innovative technologies behind the SLIDE hoverboard. Let’s go on checking how they make the board suspend in the air and support the weight of a rider.

Lexus SLIDE Hoverboard

The SLIDE hoverboard is constructed from an insulated core that contains high temperature superconducting blocks, and these blocks are housing in cryostats, each one is filled with liquid nitrogen in order to cool the superconductors to -197 degrees centigrade. The hoverboard only run above a track containing per meant magnets. When the SLIDE is cooled to its operating temperature, the track is capable of maintaining the hover height of the board. In a word, the hoverboard utilizes some kind of advanced magnetic suspension technology.

The secret behind the hoverboard has been unveiled. In addition to the board, you also need a special track so Lexus has built a specialized park that allows you to fully unleash the potential of the hover skateboard. Of course, those challenging terrains also serves your traditional skateboard.

Lexus SLIDE Hoverboard The Park Designed for Lexus SLIDE Hoverboard

Source: Lexus

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