Leatherman Signal Camping Multitool with Fire Starter, Emergency Whistle and More

Leatherman Signal is designed to be a must-have camping multitool using integrated fire starter, emergency whistle, hammer and more tools. Let’s keep checking if you like the idea.Leatherman Signal Camping Multitool with Fire Starter, Emergency Whistle and More

The Signal is a versatile, foldable camping multitool that measures 5.1 x 3.7 x 1.9 inches and weighs 9.6 ounces. With a foldable and compact form factor, the multi tool effortlessly fits in your backpack, and the foldable design ensures all tools keeps hidden in the casing for secure storage.Leatherman Signal Camping Multitool with Fire Starter, Emergency Whistle and More

The camping multitool comes equipped with 19 useful tools to help you tackle various tasks during your camping trip or other outdoor adventures, including a variety of pliers, wire cutters, knife, saw, hammer, bottle and can openers, a diamond-coated sharpener, fire-starting ferro rod, emergency whistle and more.

Furthermore, one-head operation allows you to easily access to all the tools, and all-locking feature lets you multitask with ease. Moreover, it comes with a pocket clip and carabiner to keep it always within reach.

Leatherman Signal camping multitool is priced at $104.95 USD. If you’re interested, jump to the product page for its more details.

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