As we had known, Kobo recently has released three new tablets including Kobo Arc Android tablet and two e-readers. If you prefer to read books with tablet, Kobo Glo e-reader may be more suitable for you.
Kobo Glo is a 6-inch ebook reader that measures 114 x 157 x 10mm and weights 185g. The e-reader features a 6-inch E-ink XGA Pearl screen with 1024 x 768 pixels resolution and built-in ComfortLight technology with micro-thin coating in order to provide you a comfortable reading experience no matter in day or in night, and the non-glass touchscreen lets you conveniently navigate with the ebook reader. Moreover, the e-reader also comes with a 1GHz processor, 2GB internal storage, a microSD card slot supporting up to 32GB, WiFi, and micro USB. Apart from that, the built-in rechargeable battery will last over 1 month with WiFi and light turned off.
Kobo Glo e-reader is priced at $129 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Kobo official site for more details.