Intimacy: A Sensitive High-tech Garment

Have you seen so sensual plastic strips? Don’t think it’s just a fashionable garment, it’s also a high-tech product.

Intimacy: A Sensitive High-tech Garment

It’s called Intimacy developed by Studio Roosegaarde of Daan Roosegaarde, V2 Lab and fashion designer Maartie Diikstra. The garment integrated high-tech can adjust its own transparent level based on the distance of lighting ball. The garment will be nontransparent white when the ball isn’t activated, or is away from the garment. Conversely, the garment will be transparent.

Intimacy: A Sensitive High-tech Garment

Intimacy: A Sensitive High-tech Garment

Great hight-tech garment, It seems you are just the person grabbing someone’s body when you hold the lighting ball.


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  1. Bedi 08/09/2010
    • Daniel 08/09/2010

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