Need a convenient way to charge your iPhone 5, iPad 3 and Android phone? Take a look at Illume, the card sized USB charger may be a nice solution.
The Illume is an easy-to-achieve concept portable charger designed by Damon Lin. As we can see from the images, the USB charger features gorgeous, ultra portable design, and the card-like size allows you to easily take USB charger with you. Most importantly, the portable charger also features three integrated charging cables including 30-pin, Lightning, and micro USB in order to conveniently charge or sync various mobile devices like iPhone 5, iPod touch, Galaxy S4 and more. However, it’s a little pity the USB charger is still a design concept at present. We just enjoy these images about the multi-functional charger. Additionally, if you need other options you might like to check JUMP charging cable.
Source: Yanko Design