Hyper T5 Portable UV-C LED Sterilizing Box

Hyper T5 portable UV-C LED sterilizing box is designed to provide you medical-grade disinfection, and with built-in rechargeable battery, it’s easy to carry and transport.Hyper T5 Portable UV-C LED Sterilizing Box

The T5 UV-C sanitizer delivers a minimal and smooth appearance design, and the bright blue or pink accent brings some vivid detailing to the white casing. Meanwhile, the sterilizer has a flexible carrying handle so that you can easily move it from one place to another.

The UV-C sterilizing box comes equipped with 40 UV-C LED bulbs to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, and using 3 modes, it only takes 3 minutes for disinfection. Furthermore, its inner space is big enough to fit masks, smartphones, glasses, baby gear and more small items.Hyper T5 Portable UV-C LED Sterilizing Box

Moreover, it also features smart drying temperature heating. When the cover is open, it will automatically shut off. In addition, with 2 x 3,000mAh rechargeable battery, it lasts 20 cycles of 3 minutes or 20 hours of sterile storage.

The T5 portable UV-C sterilizing box is priced at $199.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to HyperShop for its more details.

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