Need a simple way to make dramatic aerial filming for your own awesome actions? Take a look at HEXO+, the intelligent camera drone should be a nice solution.
The HEXO+ is an innovative and intelligent flying camera drone designed to offer you an easy way to make 3rd person view aerial filming. The flying camera drone measures 62 x 52 x 12cm, weights 980g, and comes with a GoPro mount in order to fit your own GoPro action camera, and using its high performance 2D brushless gimbal and hexacopter design, the camera drone is able to make vibration-free, smooth filming. Most importantly, the intelligent flying camera is able to autonomously flying, following and filming. All you need to do is just set the distance between your subject and your camera drone via your smartphone. Apart from that, up to 70km/h – 45 mph top speed allows it to track high-speed subject, and its rechargeable battery offer 15 min of flight time on a single charge.
The team of HEXO+ is raising fund via Kickstarter. Pledging $599 will let you own the flying camera drone. If you need it, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details or check out the following demo video first.