Halo Belt 2.0 LED Illuminated Satety Belt

The belt not only provides optimal visibility, but also keeps you safe in the dark. If you’re curious, let’s go on checking the Halo Belt 2.0 LED illuminated safety belt.

Halo Belt 2.0 LED Illuminated Satety Belt

The Halo Belt 2.0 is a pretty cool and functional LED illuminated belt designed to offer gorgeous optimal visibility and safety for its users. The Halo Belt features a custom designed LED fiber optic system with LED lights in order to help increase visibility of pedestrians and cyclists on the road at night, and its rechargeable battery provides up to 36 hours consecutive illumination in flash mode. Moreover, the LED illuminated safety belt also features high-quality 3M reflective elastic so you can easily adjust the desired size and length to fit for different users.

Halo Belt 2.0 LED Illuminated Satety Belt

At present the team of Halo Belt 2.0 is raising fund via Kickstarter. Pledging $37 will let you own the LED belt. If you’re interested, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details or check out the following two demo videos.

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