GameKilp PS3 DualShock 3 Game Controller Adapter for Android Phones

You have been tired of playing those fast paced action games via virtual gamepad controls on your Android phone? Take a look at GameKlip, the PS3 DualShock 3 game controller adapter should be a nice solution.

GameKilp PS3 DualShock 3 Game Controller Adapter for Android Phones

The GameKlip is an innovative game controller adapter designed for various Android phones, and to offer you an easy way to connect your Android smartphone with PS3 DualShock 3 game controller in order that you can comfortably enjoy your favorite mobile games on your smartphone via an authentic game controller instead of flat touchscreen. The game controller adapter is available in two versions including wired and wireless GameKlip, while the wireless GameKlip needs a free Android app Sixaxis Compatibility Checker available on Google Play. Before purchase, you’d better confirm whether your Smartphone is compatible with the Android app, the adapter and PS3 DualShock 3 game controller.

GameKilp PS3 DualShock 3 Game Controller Adapter for Android Phones

The GameKlip game controller adapter is available in two versions, the wired adapter is priced at $23 USD, while the wireless GameKlip costs $15 USD. If you’re interested, jump to GameKlip official site for more details or check out the following demo video.

Additionally, if you need other options, you might like to check MOGA wireless game controller and PalyPad game controller.

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