G-Pad Silicone Rubber Game Controller for iPhone, iPad Mini and iPod Touch

Like using your iPhone or iPad mini to play Gameboy games? Then you may need a better control experience for those classic video games. Agree? Let’s go on checking G-pad silicone rubber game controller.

G-Pad Silicone Rubber Game Controller for iPhone, iPad Mini and iPod Touch

The G-pad is a simple yet practical game controller dedicatedly designed for Gameboy game simulator GBA4iOS. The game controller comes in three models for iPhone 5/5c/5s, iPod touch 5G and iPad mini, and as we can see from the images, each G-pad game controller is made of flexible silicone material in order that you can easily put it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad mini, while its Gameboy game pad layout and soft texture provide you a precise and comfortable gaming experience.

G-Pad Silicone Rubber Game Controller for iPhone, iPad Mini and iPod Touch

At present the team of G-pad is raising fund at Indiegogo. You can pledge $13 to own a G-pad gamer controller for iPhone or iPod touch. If you need it, jump to Indiegogo official site for more details or check out the following demo video first.

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