FIXD Smart Car Tracker for Your Car Health

To keep your car health, you may need to know what the check engine lights say, but if you want a more intuitive way to understand your car, the FIXD smart car tracker may be a nice solution.
FIXD Smart Car Tracker for Your Car Health

The FIXD is a smart translator designed to translate check engine lights on your car and track service intervals. As shown in the images, the smart device sports an ultra portable design in order that you can easily plug your FIXD vehicle sensor into your car’s dash, while built-in Bluetooth technology allows the car tracker to wirelessly connect with your smartphone, and custom FIXD app will clearly tell you what is going to happen with your car if you can’t get it fixed, it will also show you the estimate of the cost for repairing the problem, apart from that, the FIXD is able to lengthen the life of your car and remind you of car maintenance.
FIXD Smart Car Tracker for Your Car Health

The team of FIXD is raising fund via Kickstarter. Pledging $50 will let you own the smart car tracker. If you need it, jump to Kickstarter official site for more details or take a look at the following demo video first.

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