A red dragon sprawls on the hilltop, small but dangerous, because it’s a real fire breathing dragon built out of LEGO bricks.
Aaron Amatnieks, an Australian LEGO artist created the incredible fire breathing LEGO dragon. As we can see from the images, the LEGO creation features stunning color scheme and beautiful details, while the hilltop made of LEGO bricks makes the red dragon look more terrible and powerful. BTW, don’t put your hand over the dragon’s month. It’s actually a fire breathing dragon. Don’t believe? After the break, check out the demo video.
Additionally, if you want to check more LEGO creations, you might like to check the LEGO Yamoto Space Battleship, LEGO R2-D2 and more via “LEGO bricks” tag.
Fire Breathing Dragon Built Out of LEGO Bricks Source