Solid structure, ergonomic design, Draco Ventare 2 aluminum iPhone 5s case has undoubtedly caught our eyes. If you also like its design, let’s go on checking the bumper-styled protective case.
The Ventare 2 is a stylish and exquisite bumper case designed for iPhone 5/5s. The iPhone 5 case measures 5.2 x 2.7 x 0.4 inches, and as shown in the images, it features a refined, minimalistic design and is made of aircraft grade aluminum A606 plus an inner plastic band in order to provide a reliable safeguard for your iPhone 5/5s and perfectly match the gorgeous design of your iPhone. Moreover, its curved line design adds an ergonomic and aerodynamic look and feel to your iPhone, apart from that, the aluminum case comes with two different color bands for personality.
The Ventare 2 aluminum iPhone 5s case comes in four colors and is priced at $59.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to TouchOfModern online store for more details.