Double-purpose Power A iPhone Case

Power A iPhone Case

As we know, the main function of iPhone case is for the protection of our precious iPhone. Is there anything what an iPhone case can do? Let the Power A iPhone case tell you.

Just like the L5 Remote for iPhone, Power A case can also turn iPhone into an universal remote control. The different is that Power A doubles as protective case. Due to integrated with built-in IR transmitter, the iPhone case might seem a bit thick than ordinary cases. The IR transmitter can be removed for easy change. Power A iPhone case need to run on the dedicated application, which has been available for free at App Store.

If you are crying out for an iPhone case and a remote control mastering all over the little world, Power A iPhone case is for you. It’s only available at Apple Store in US at present. Price is $59.99 USD.

Power A iPhone Case

Double-purpose Power A iPhone Case Source

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