As we know, Yoda Master was never caught by evil Darth Vader in Star Wars. Apparently it doesn’t mean Darth Vader don’t want Yoda’s head. Can you imagine Vader’s excitement while seeing the Yoda head cake?
Actually, the Star Wars themed cake is made by tchitwood, a female maker in our world instead of a member of Galactic Empire. But it seems she has done Darth Vader a favor. As we see, this is a highly detailed replica of Yoda Master’s head. What’s more, it’s a cake rather than vinyl toy, you can gobble up all the cake, then you’d find out you were more powerful and more evil than Darth Vader.
Tchitwood has posted some steps on instructables. If you want to make your own Yoda Master cake, jump to here for more details.
Need more geek cakes? Don’t ever miss Twitter fail whale cake, Star Wars cupcakes, and more.
Darth Vader’s Favorite Cake Source
Love this how on earth did you get the ears to stay in place this is exactly the cake that my son wants for his STAR WARS SIXTH birthday party where can I get one ?
The detailed steps have been released by the maker on instructables.