Don’t want to miss calls due to small ring tone or slight vibration? Maybe in near future, the bottle-like mobile phone will be a nice solution.
Curious is an innovative mobile phone design concept by Youngkwang Cho. As we can see from the images, the concept mobile phone features a unique carapace styled casing, and the smart carapace is able to automatically change its shape when call is coming. At rest, the mobile phone lies flat. Once call comes, the sections of the carapace will begin to flex in order to offer you an ergonomic shape for answering your calls. After the break, check out the images about the design concept.
Source: Yanko Design
Huh? What in the world is this??? Not another phone…. And now this one will curl up…. No way…What do I have to do to get it to uncurl? (it makes me want to put a load of salt on it) What will they come up with next????
hi,me was crazy of mobiles phones and this mobile was very beautyfull i m loveing this moblie and i want this moblies plz buy to this mobile fir me i m from india…….