Category: Creative Products
No matter LEGO fans or Star Wars fans, I believe you must like the sweet LEGO Star Wars Minifig alarm clocks unveiled at the 2010 Nuremberg Toys Fair.
A few moment ago, one reader asked me where to find Illuminating Book Cover. But unfortunately, it seems the book light has been terminated.
I believe people wouldn’t like to see precious earphones under someone’s feet or tangled on desk. If you still have no gadgets for your earphones, check out miniWINDER.
It’s really unique idea. I should take it to be a eco-friendly paper bag were it not for the light through the cut-outs. So it’s a real desk lamp …
This bricks set consists of many E letters with a same size. Don’t think they are just traditional and simple bricks. The innovative toy bricks set is called ESTECK …
It seems cassette tape, the retro gadget has left us, but the tape came back with IMIXID’s help.
How do you describe LEGO bricks? toy, creative tool or just colorful bricks? Do you think whether LEGO bricks can be attached to fashion?
We have been talking about the gifts in Valentines Day for a few days. Have you chosen a suitable one? Not yet? Don’t worry, check out the Heart Mug.