Concept Flat CD Computer Mouse

The special CD can’t be used to hold any digital content, but if you want to control your laptop, the concept Flat CD computer mouse will help you in the near future.

Concept Flat CD Computer Mouse

Flat CD Mouse is an ultra compact wireless mouse designed to offer you a handy way to take your laptop along with computer mouse. Taewon Hwang came up with the practical concept design. As we can see from the images, the computer mouse features foldable design. When not in use, the concept mouse looks like a piece of disc. You can store it into your CD ROM drive for easy to carry. When required, you can take it out from the drive, folding it into a fully functional optical mouse. After the break, check out the images about the CD shaped computer mouse.

Concept Flat CD Computer Mouse
Concept Flat CD Computer Mouse

Source: Yanko Design

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