CM4 recently rolled out its latest Q Card Case for Samsung Galaxy S5. If you need a handy way to take both smartphone and credit card, the Galaxy S5 case should be suitable for you.
The Q Card Case is a versatile snap-on protective case designed for Samsung Galaxy S5. As shown in the images, the Galaxy S5 case features a unique and stylish design combined with the simple of form-fitting case and the function of folio case. Using an integrated fabric card slot on the back the protective case is able to hold up to three bank cards, and the durable ultra-slim hardshell case with lay-flat screen guard protects your Galaxy S5 from shocks and scratches, while its soft-touch finish provides a comfortable and secure grip. Apart from that, built-in audio amplifier channels audio from Galaxy S5 to you.
The Q Card Galaxy S5 case comes in three colors, each one is priced at $39.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to CM4 official site for more details. Additionally, also don’t miss other nice options via “Galaxy S5 case” tag.