Build-On Brick Executive Pen Desk Set Compatible with LEGO, PixelBlocks and More

Another Build-On Brick titled gadget has been available. Want to build a one-of-a-kind pen with your own LEGO bricks? Let’s go on for the build-on brick executive pen desk set.

Build-On Brick Executive Ballpoint Pen Desk Set Works with LEGO, PixelBlocks and More

This is a pretty fun and creative ballpoint pen with blue ink. The ballpoint pen has a plastic housing and it boasts an eye-catching chrome finish that delivers us a premium and stylish look. Moreover, its cap has pocket clip, so you can easily attach the pen on your pocket or notebook, but unfortunately, the ink cartridge is not replaceable. You have to go easy on the pen or using some non-normal methods for replacement.

Of course, it doesn’t stop it from being a great creative gadget. Using its baseplate-like exterior and included 36 bricks, you can easily customize a unique ballpoint pen or make a pen stand, and it’s compatible with LEGO, PixelBlocks, Mega Bloks, KRE-O and K’NEX Bricks, which brings you more ideas to create awesome models.

Build-On Brick Executive Ballpoint Pen Desk Set Works with LEGO, PixelBlocks and More

The Build-On Brick executive pen desk set is priced at $19.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to ThinkGeek for its more details. BTW, also don’t miss the Build-On Brick bookends and more related cool stuff by following tags.

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