Earlier this year, Mimoco released a brand new blind box mimobot series BLOTz. Like collecting those adorable mimobot USB flash drives? Let’s go on checking.
This new mimobot series is designed by Miami-based art duo FriendsWithYou. The entire series contain 15 well-designed mimobot USB flash drives from the world of Wish Come True, each USB drive measures 2.5 inches tall, and has 2GB storage capacity with preloaded digital content including wallpapers, icons, avatars, and screensavers. Of course, unlike other mimobot series, each BLOTz mimobot is packaged with blind box. Before the pack is opened, you never know which one you’re gonna get. Apparently it’s not easy to collect all BLOTz mimobot USB flash drives.
Each BLOTz blind box mimobot USB flash drive is priced at $14.95 USD. If you’re interested, jump to Mimoco official site for more details. Additionally, if you need other mimobots, you might like to check new tokidoki mimobots and Batman mimobot series.