BitBite Smart Device Tracks Your Eating Habits

The wearable device can’t be used to track your movement, but if you want to monitor your eating habits and improve them, the BitBite smart device will be a nice solution.

BitBite Smart Device Tracks Your Eating Habits

The BitBite is an innovative and easy-to-use wearable device designed to track your eating habits. As shown in the images, the smart device sports an ultra compact design, and unlike those fitness trackers that fit on your wrist, the tracking device needs to be worn in your ear. Using its built-in microphone and sensors, the tracker is able to record and perform initial processing of incoming sounds in order to track the way you eat, while its custom app records, analyzes your eating habits, and provides suggestions to improve your eating habits. Apart from that, built-in rechargeable battery offers about 3 days of use between charges.

BitBite Smart Device Tracks Your Eating Habits

The team of BitBite is raising fund via Indiegogo. Pledging $109 will let you own the smart tracker. If you’re interested, head to Indiegogo official site for more details or check out the following demo video first.

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