Banana Type USB Hub

Don’t put the special banana into your mouth, it just fits your USB gadgets instead of your stomach. If you’re curious, let’s go on checking banana type USB hub.

Banana Type USB Hub

This is an interesting USB hub that measures 109 x 29 x 22.4mm. As we can see from the images, the USB hub is shaped as a tasty banana, and comes with nice details and yellow coating, moreover, the special banana features four USB 2.0 ports which allow you to connect various USB devices with your computer without the need to peel the banana. Apart from that, the banana shaped USB hub comes with an approx 8.6cm USB cable for easy to connect with USB port on your computer.

The banana type 4-port USB hub is priced at $40.92 USD. If you’re interested, jump to GeekStuff4U for more details.

Banana Type USB Hub

Additionally. If you need other options, you might like to check the lighting bolt 4-port USB hub, the ambidextrous USB hub and more via “USB hub” tag.


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