Just yesterday we introduced those incredible mushups combined Angry Birds and Star Wars. Now the author Steven Anderson has brought us the second part of the illustration series.
As we can see from the images, apparently a group of new characters has joined in the fierce war between Angry Rebels and Imperial Pigs, including Angry Yoda, Angry Lando, Angry Lobot, Boarba Fett, Emperor Crackaline, and Jabba The Hogg. Apart from that, you even can see those familiar vehicles and spaceship like Death Star, AT-AT and more. Of course, all these war machines are built with solid stones and wood from the world of Angry Bird instead of metal sheets. After the break, check out the rest images.
Additionally, if you like this group of interesting illustrations, you may like to check the part one of Angry Birds themed Star Wars, or get the T-shirts with these Angry Birds illustrations from red bubble.
Angry Birds Themed Star Wars Part Two Source