Amazing worms mini figures out of Worms World Party

worms mini figures out of Worms World Party

I really like those crazy worms holding some funny weapons in Worms World Party, obviously also including the following mini figures. I know the video game has been out in the jungle for years, but it’s really classical and amusing game.

Now we don’t talk about the video game about worms, but the mini figures shaped as the worms from Worms World Party. These amazing tiny worms are made with polymer clay by Jenn. The tiny figures look exactly like the crazy worms out of the video game. Do you want to start Worms Armageddon on your keyboard? The worms mini figures are the necessary soldiers.

Unfortunately, the mini figures are the personal artwork of Jenn. How I wish to see the figures at Etsy!

worms mini figures out of Worms World Party

Amazing worms mini figures out of Worms World Party Source

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