15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug

Apparently the title is a wrong question, because you don’t get a lens mug for 15 dollars, however, you can get the underwater camera.

15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug

Similar with popular Lomo, this is a 35mm film-based camera measuring 4.75 x 3.5 x 1.5 inches. The 35mm camera comes with a 28mm wide angle fixed focus plastic lens. Although the lens can’t bring you more clear bikini, fortunately the wide angle can allow you to hold more girls in a photo. Of course, the most importance is, that the reusable camera features water resistance up to 8 meters, and it can float on water. No doubt, it’ll be a good partner in water. Apart from that, the waterproof camera ships with a pre-loaded roll of 27 exposures of 200 ASA film and an adjustable nylon wrist strap.

15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug

As it’s been said, the underwater camera is priced at $15 USD. If you like this kind of film-based camera, jump to Photojojo for more details.

15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug 15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug
15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug 15 Dollars for Underwater Camera or Lens Mug

Need waterproof digital camera? You might like to check the Chobi mini camera and Fujifilm FinePix waterproof camera.

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