XY Share It is a Bluetooth Device Helps You Share Photos with Friends Around You

We have various ways to share photos online, but how to share photos with the friends in the same room? The online ways may be a bit inconvenient so XY Share It was born. The Bluetooth device will help you share photos with ease.

XY Share It Bluetooth Device Helps You Share Photos with Friends Around You

The XY Share It is an innovative and functional Bluetooth tag that shows off an ultra compact design, and using a custom rectangular hole, you can easily attach it on your keychain for portability.

XY Share It Bluetooth Device Helps You Share Photos with Friends Around You

As a photo sharing device, XY Share It utilizes Bluetooth technology to wirelessly communicate with your Android phone or iPhone. Using custom application, you can create or select the albums you want to share. When all have been done, the friends around you can swipe through your photos on their own mobile devices at their pace. All they need to do is just open up the app. Moreover, XY Share It also allows you and your friends to add photo to the same album at the same time in order to review your party and trip from different perspectives.

XY Share It Bluetooth Device Helps You Share Photos with Friends Around You

Moreover, the Bluetooth tag is powered by a replaceable CR2450 battery that offers 2 years of usage. And the designers also plan to release XY Share It Home next year. It has all feathers of XY Share It, and built-in 32GB flash memory allows it to work as an external storage device for your thousands of photos.

XY Share It has been available for preorder on Indiegogo. Pledging $40 will let you own the Bluetooth transmitter. ($95 for XY Share It Home). BTW, also don’t miss i-FlashDrive MAX USB 3.0 flash drive and more cool stuff by following tags.

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