The Dinosaur LED Lamp Lights up Your Room with the Style of the Jurassic

Want somethings special to light up your room such as adding some style of the Jurassic? Sounds cool? Let’s keep going for the Dinosaur LED lamp.

The Dinosaur LED Lamp

This is a pretty cute and practical LED lamp series that comes in three models. Each model is shaped as a dinosaur, one of the greatest prehistoric beasts including T-Rex, Triceratops, and Diplodocus, but unlike their original looks, the mini glowing dinosaur shows off a unique and chic origami-style exterior that comes in bold, block colors including orange, green, and white. Meanwhile, their postures make them more vivid on your desk.

The Dinosaur LED Lamp

Each of the dinosaur desk lamps is made from robust polyresin for a durable construction, and the dino lamp comes equipped with an energy efficient LED light bulb that provides you soft and comfortable illumination on the desk or nightstand. Of course, the LED bulb should last for a very long time.

The Dinosaur LED LampThe Dinosaur LED Lamp

The dinosaur LED lamp comes in three models, each is priced at £29.99 (approx $43 USD). If you like these ancient creature, jump to Firebox for their more details. BTW, also don’t miss the origami smart LED lamp and more related cool stuff by following tags.

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