Grenade USB Flash Drive

“We can not ship this item outside the U.S.”, maybe some people will treat the USB flash drive as a real grenade. Of course, it is very safe, especially for your important data.

Grenade USB Flash Drive

As we can see from the images, this is a unique USB flash drive that is shaped as a real hand grenade, but it seems that the grenade is smaller than real one, so you can also call it mini hand grenade. The mini grenade measures 32 x 32 x 57mm, and weights 18g. With built-in 8GB flash memory, the grenade shaped USB drive can store various data like music files, documents, and more. But note that, don’t throw the grenade, otherwise, you will lose your data instead of getting a colossal explosion.

Grenade USB Flash Drive

The black grenade USB flash drive is priced at $24.99 USD. If you’re interested, jump to ThinkGeek for more details.

Grenade USB Flash Drive

Additionally, if you need more interesting options, you might like to check the Batman mimobots, hot dog USB drive, and more via “USB flash drive” tag.

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