Geek Gear Floppy Disk Notebook

Maxell, Sony and Mitsubishi Kagaku Media had withdrawn from floppy disk sales. Undoubtedly It will become more difficult to get a floppy from the market. Perhaps some gadgets made with recycled floppy disks are the precious souvenirs such as the following Geek Gear Notebook.

Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook

The handmade floppy disk notebook utilized two recycled Staples 3.5-inch floppy disks as the notebook covers. Under the help of an Owire system, the creator put the floppy disks and 80 sheets of recycled white paper together. The notebook measures 3.5 x 3.5 inches, convenient to carry or use on the desk.

Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook
Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook

The floppy disk notebook is available in various colors, each one is priced at $6 USD. If you want to save the important messages just like using a floppy disk, jump to Etsy for full description.

Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook
Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook Recycled Floppy Disk Geek Gear Notebook

By the way, if you like the notebook, you might be willing to check the floppy disk pillow.

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